Increasing Retail Sales with Direct Mail

Winning at wholesale doesn’t just mean getting your products into Target, Whole Foods, or any other retailer.

You need to rack up sales—and the stakes are high. But you don’t have to sit by and wait for sales to fall where they may.

PostPilot has a powerful way to increase retail sales by driving customers to your retail partners specifically to buy your products.


With ShopDrops, you can send beautifully designed postcards to audiences within specific geographic areas.

These aren’t blind ZIP code drops—we target audiences that are primed to convert for your brand.

What Are ShopDrops?

ShopDrops are cold prospecting campaigns that target AI-built lookalike audiences with highly specific attributes, designed to drive those prospects to purchase your product(s) in-store.

We developed them because we understand the high pressure of launching and remaining in retail—PostPilot is a programmatic direct mail platform founded by two 25-year eCom veterans. You whiff on sales targets during a test run and your wholesale journey will end before it’s even begun. Fail to meet revenue goals later, and retailers may banish you for years.

Increasing retail sales is key, and ShopDrops are another tool in the marketing toolbox to help.

Why Postcards?

Postcard marketing has a higher response rate than email, online ads, or SMS. Like other direct mail, postcards are a physical, tangible expression of your brand that gets into customers’ hands and homes.

ShopDrop postcard sent by VitaCoco driving customers to purchase at 5 retailers.

And the best part?

Postcards (like all direct mail) are immune to spam filters, online tracking restrictions, and ad blindness.

How ShopDrops Work: 3 Steps

The process isn’t simple—but it’s simple for you.

PostPilot does all the heavy lifting so you can focus on other aspects of growing the business. But here’s how the lookalikes process breaks down:

Step 1: Connect Your Store to PostPilot

Well, that's it. That's the step. We have a native integration with Shopify, and connection is a breeze.

Step 2: We Find People Like Your Best Customers

Our proprietary AI has been trained on the largest data set ever compiled in the direct mail space, and it includes billions of third-party attributes and intent signals on hundreds of millions of customers. After analyzing your transactional data (possible once you connect your store to PostPilot), our AI can build lookalike audiences that resemble your best customers.

The audiences may include traits that range from "visits Target 3+ times per month" to "buys premium men’s grooming products" to "is an outdoor enthusiast" to "is married with kids between 10 and 12 years old."

Step 3: We Send Personalized, Geo-Targeted Direct Mail

PostPilot AI will narrow the campaign further, sending postcards only to audiences who are in proximity to the stores that carry your products.

If you want to target site visitors instead, you just need to add our pixel to your site and decide what criteria will trigger it—like visits to a particular URL or a certain number of visits to your site. We’ll handle the rest. (We have a whole product feature for this: SiteMatch.)

ShopDrops Use Cases

ShopDrops works across retail brands and categories, whether you’re a cosmetics brand breaking into regional outlets or a beverage maker looking to increase your big box sales. Here are a couple examples:

  1. A protein-bar brand wants to boost its Target sales. It's looking for people with active lifestyles who were also healthy eaters. We identify hundreds of thousands of new prospects who are frequent Target shoppers, had purchased similar protein bars in the past, are outdoor activity enthusiasts and healthy eaters, and have certain household incomes.
  2. A customer is curious about your brand and visits your website—but doesn’t purchase. PostPilot can identify physical addresses for many of these online window shoppers and send them a postcard directing them to a local retailer.

It’s especially effective for supporting new product launches and boosting sales velocity. It builds awareness and gives customers the nudge they often need to make the purchase.

Interested? More about ShopDrops and PostPilot

With ShopDrops...

  • Get your message to exactly the right customers
  • Increase retail sales
  • Secure premium placement
  • Feed your wholesale revenues.

Access to ShopDrops is included for all PostPilot Pro subscribers and costs 5 cents on top of the base cost of each postcard. You’re only charged for postcards that are sent.

But if you'd like to read more about PostPilot first...

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